About Us

Command Ombudsman

Hafa Adai and welcome to the beautiful island of Guam!

We are your Naval Hospital Guam Ombudsmen. 

The island of Guam has many wonderful things to offer including tropical beaches, scuba diving, deep sea fishing, hiking (boonie stomps) and brilliant rainbows. Many people call Guam their favorite duty station!

At USNH Guam, we have two eager and knowledgeable Ombudsmen.

The Ombudsman Program was established in 1970 by Admiral Zumwalt. We are volunteers appointed by the Commanding Officer. We serve as the CO’s official representative to the families of his staff who are active duty military members.

We are points of contact for all family members connected to the command – including spouses, parents, and extended family members. We facilitate communication between the command and family members. We strongly adhere to the Ombudsman Code of Ethics, which mandate professionalism and confidentiality within program guidelines.


Some ways we keep you informed:

USNH Guam Ombudsman, you will have full access to the information about programs and activities that are going on at the hospital, Naval Base Guam, this beautiful island, and Navy wide. It is a great resource that we hope you consider joining.

Email - usnhgomb@gmail.com

We are here to serve you! We hope you have a wonderful time living here in paradise!

Warm Regards,      

      Ashley Baird (671) 483-2534
      Shasta McDermott (671) 483-9135
      Joaquin Castillo (671) 929-6149

What is an Ombudsman?

The ombudsman is a volunteer, chosen by the Commanding Officer, on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An ombudsman is a spouse of an active duty or selected reserve member assigned to the command who serves as the official liaison between the command and its families. The ombudsman assists the CO in maintaining the morale and welfare of the command's active duty service members and its families.

What an Ombudsman does?

The ombudsman acts as an advocate for families and single sailors. We help to disseminate accurate information regarding command policies, services available, and deployments. We are a confidential Point of Contact for families and single sailors and refer them to the appropriate agency for questions, concerns, help, or intervention according to OPNAVINST 1750.1 series.

What an Ombudsman is not?

The ombudsman is not a trained counselor or social worker, but can show you the way to solving your problems or getting assistance.

Our Creed


I am not a crutch,
But I can support you

I am not a counselor
But I know one

I am not a taxi driver
But I can steer- you in the right direction

I am not a rescuer
But I can help save lives

I am not a babysitter
But I can refer you to a caregiver

I am not a gossiper
But I am a great listener

I am not an enabler
But I can provide tools to empower you

I am not a master of anything
But I know many experts who understand your needs

I am not a Recreation or Health Specialist
But I am concerned about your Morale, Welfare, and Health

I am not a busybody as I've been called
But I am an Official Command Representative

I am a Navy family Ombudsman
And I am of Service to you The Navy Family



Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!