Branch Health Clinic Apra Harbor
About Us
This state-of-the art facility consolidates care from multiple buildings to a one-stop clinic for Active-Duty Personnel and families.
Conveniently located on Naval Base Guam, Branch Health Clinic Apra Harbor offers primary care, dental, medical readiness, physical therapy, optometry, hearing conservation, radiology, pharmacy and laboratory services.
Patients may schedule their Primary Care appointments via telephone at the new USNH Guam Appointment Line, 671-344-9222, during normal business hours, 8am – 4pm.
Available via walk-in basis to eligible beneficiaries ages 3 years and older.
Map and Directions
Enter the main gate to Naval Base Guam > Go past Wendy's restaurant > Continue straight past the gas station and the chapel (looks like a triangle building) > Turn right at the new Branch Health Clinic.